
geekery, drawing and then some

Posts about pen (old posts, page 2)

What not to spend money on...

I'm a bit of a compulsive spender. There, I said it.

Unlike others, I don't buy shoes or clothes. I buy boxes. And organising stuff. Sites like The daily planner and The container store make my heart beat faster. And Thinkgeek.

Oh, and pens.

And I buy a lot of food.

Only on occasion do I not use the things I purchase, this happens maybe a couple of times per year. I don't buy 50 pairs of shoes, new skirts because they're on sale etc.

But I am a compulsive spender and this has to stop. I have more pens than I could possible ever get empty (granted, drawing just goes a lot better with the right pen, but I have multiple so that shouldn't become a problem any time soon). I have a gazillion (lovely) boxes. No more buying food when I have plenty in my pantry. Make shopping lists and stick to them. Time to grow up ;)

Best gift ever!

Best gift ever.

I don't do anything for Valentines Day. If I feel the need to do something special, I just do it, I don't wait until that one day per year. Boyfriend and I joked about it and he spent most of the day on his knees with another guy, getting all hot and sweaty while filming it.

Anyway, after he finished that and cleaned up the mess, he gave me a gift. My very own cordless screwdriver! Guess who'll put her Ikea-things together with it from now on. :D

For those of you who consider this very unromantic, too bad! I love it! Had he brought me a bunch of roses I'd have smacked him on the head with it. Pretty painful with those thorns and such.

Warming up.

I drew my new waterbottle. In just about 15 minutes, the 21st SketchCrawl will start. I decided today to participate, although I won't go out and meet people and draw with them. Too ill still, so my participating will consist mostly of couch-drawing. Still, I want to try it, spend the entire day (or at least most of it) drawing and sketching. As a warm-up, I've drawn my waterbottle.

Spend most of the day cleaning up to prepare. So I better draw ;)


Needle Some time ago I started doing my own injections. The weekly trip to the doctor's office did cost me too much energy, plus, I needed a bit more than just once per week. I asked about self-injection and they explained to me how it worked and immediately let me do it. After a few tries there, they gave me everything I needed to do the shots at home. I've had a few moments, in which I felt pretty light-headed and mostly thought 'Why did I want to do this!', however, mostly it goes pretty good. I feel proud of myself, I have conquered my fear of needles.