
geekery, drawing and then some


Needle Some time ago I started doing my own injections. The weekly trip to the doctor's office did cost me too much energy, plus, I needed a bit more than just once per week. I asked about self-injection and they explained to me how it worked and immediately let me do it. After a few tries there, they gave me everything I needed to do the shots at home. I've had a few moments, in which I felt pretty light-headed and mostly thought 'Why did I want to do this!', however, mostly it goes pretty good. I feel proud of myself, I have conquered my fear of needles.


Summer .

After winter comes... summer! At least when I draw it :) When I turned winter into summer I decided to create an image for all seasons. I still have to work on fall and spring.


Winter . A sketch made during the time I had to wait for my food in some restaurant turned into a soft digital drawing. I very much like how this turned out.

Shop and shirts

Chocolate robot Men Spreadshirt Chocolate robot Men

I went and created myself a shop on spreadshirt (both the .com and the .net version, the first one going to a US version of it and the second one to a European (german) version, with minor differences between the two).


I also went a little nuts with my little robot-drawing. I put him on nearly everything I could find. So far, I've only added him to the US shop due to limitations (only allowed to upload 3 vectordesigns). I'll have to see how this shop-thing works out, but I do plan on adding him to the eur-shop, cause I want him on my shirt!

New design, new stuff in the background

And there I did it. I switched from Movable Type to Wordpress to manage my site.

It actually went really smooth and I actually like Wordpress so far. No unnecessary complications. Movable Type started acting up on me, not letting me edit post titles. I upgraded and then it wouldn't let me edit post entries anymore. Or post anything new... So I decided to give Wordpress a shot. So far, I like it. :)

Dog Toy

Dog ToyNano loves this toy, we play with it on a daily basis. She learned to catch it in the air (sometimes) and gets really excited when I take it out to play.

Found my little booklet

new drawingsAfter some searching I managed to find my little booklet. I got out my pens and started drawing. I had a hard time drawing my keys. My dog kept on interrupting me because she didn't like that I had more attention for my silly pen and some paper than for her. She tried chewing on my pen while I drew and I finally managed to distract her long enough with some treats.

Backpack . I've had this backpack for I while, but had never drawn it before. During a cleaning-spree I found little Kenny-the-keychain and hung him on my backpack. He frequently suffers attack from my dog and other dogs, that love to check him out, leaving me screaming "OH MY GOD, DON'T KILL KENNY!!". I don't scream too often though.

Very happy with how the backpack turned out.

Markdown links in TextMate

My blogging-life became a lot easier with Markdown, which in turn became easy to use with TextMate. I don't really like the inline linking style, I much more prefer the reference linking style. To keep myself sane I would ofcourse need some nifty TextMate magic to do so. It only took a little bit of googling to find the solution. Dr. Drang explains it clearly at his blog. Make sure to check both this and this link to create your own macro in TextMate. The second link has some additions to the first one, making the reference numbers automatic.

After that, check out the third follow-up to create a macro that lets you select a word and create a reference link (cause no doubt, you sometimes read back and think 'Damn, I should link that!').

So, you get the idea, and you want more! Checkout the next follow-up on how to create a reference link by selecting a word and letting your little macro do a 'I feel lucky!' google-lookup.

I love computers.

I only abandoned my site a little bit...

Painting I made in 2007

Getting back on my feet from my little RA-blow takes a bit longer than expected. I have received medication that works (fabulously) and all seemed to go well again, until this itsy bitsy thing with a low amount of white blood-cells popped up, which made the doctors stop the medication. My white count went up again, so last week I restarted treatment, yaay.

I have not completely abandoned my creative projects either, I have made some nice photos and I started the painting in the picture (stuck with it now, though). I also have bought a sewing machine and managed to sew up a skirt, a dress and a top. It just goes a bit slow.

TextMate (and blogging)

I blogged about TextMate before but I neglected to mention how much I've used it to actual blog (not that I blog that much). I've also used it to edit templates and CSS for my blog, working mostly with Cyberduck cause I just like my GUI. I do on occasion simply scp, but I really miss the visual tree I do get in Cyberduck (and other gui-ftp-tools). With the help of the GTDalt bundle and SVK (and the bundle in TextMate) I also get more things done and have managed to organise my files better. Though I do still spend a lot of time tweaking and geeking about :) The next item on my list: dejunk my closet. Which I shall do right now!

(if I feel like it I might post the amount of junk I removed from it later on)

Hand-carved rubberstamp

My first carved stamp. A while back I ordered some tools for carving. I also bought a rubber eraser to carve in. My first try-out for a hand-carved rubber stamp turned out pretty good.