geekery, drawing and then some
Sharpening my little knife.
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Review: Het Medaillon van Thrianta
Het Medaillon van Thrianta by [Mariska Buijs](http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4603237.Mariska_Buijs.thumbnail.jpg "Het Medaillon van ThriantaHet Medaillon van Thrianta by Mariska Buijs")
My rating: ★★★★★
I can't not like this book. I've waited (patiently) years to read it.
The book tells the story of princess Quahira who dreams of adventures, the kind she reads in books about. When the chance of adventure happens to present itself -- like they do -- she grabs it with both hands and sets off to make the kindgdom of Thrianta whole again. Not a small feat for a girl who has barely left the castle all her life. Luckily she gets help from several friends and together they go save the world! The story has a good dose of romance, humour and other exciting moments.
I have my doubts the people in the metro with me appreciate me giggling, however, I still enjoyed this book thoroughly. :-)
New shoes
I needed new shoes. I don't own many so when I say 'need', I do mean need.
I had proper bad weather shoes and a pair of awesome teva sandals that I loved wearing during warm weather. The sandals had one big issue: my insoles don't fit. I have special insoles, specifically made for my weird feet to help prevent pains. The few times I wore my sandals this year I ended up with hurting feet -- even after only two hours. So I went on a mission to get other summer-y shoes. These will fit my insoles, didn't cost a fortune and I like them because they look a little weird.
Also, they look great for drawing.
Awh, so cute!
Love both the drawing and the movie
Drawings from my trip
I recently went on a trip to the UK and made a few drawings. This first one I made while we waited for the ferry to cross over with. As a kid I got sea-sick a lot so this trip gave me the opportunity to see if I'd still get sea-sick. See how I try to give it a positive twist?
Yeah, it didn't go so well...
We had some afternoon tea and some food at Tiny Tim's Tearoom where I made a drawing of a chair and a birth-bath. Halfway through my drawing things got moved.
Another time we had tea and food at Cafe 22. I loved the little teapot/cup set and we searched around for them at the shops, but couldn't find them. I ended up ordering a set over the internet, ah well.
We also visited Mike and his husband and played around in the pottery. I messed up a few times and still ended up with a cute little bowl. Hurray!
We went to London for a bit too and I tried drawing St. Paul's Cathedral from Tate Modern. Lots of wind, so my pens rolled of the table and my pages flipped over. That, and I misguessed the amount of space I needed. Ah, well :)
Little books
I have filled up three little books with my Inkblobs. The fourth has the writing on the outside and no drawings yet.
I think I'll fill it up pretty soon and then on to the fifth. And a sixth, and probably a seventh and so on.
Clearing out my bookshelves, just in case I have lots of them next year. One has to prepare for these things :)
One of my favourites.
An early adopter seeks out new ideas...
An early adopter seeks out new ideas and makes them work.
An adapter, on the other hand, puts up with what he has to, begrudgingly.
Drawing in the pottery
In the pottery
I've planted all my seedlings outside because the weather permitted it. We've had a lot of sun, very summer-y, for the past month or so. I did however appreciate the amount of rain we got this week and my plants did too.
Every year I seem to end up with a lot more plants than I can place, especially because I also get some plants from TG's father who has an allotment and usually plenty of extra seedlings. I have about eight extra tomato-plants, on top of the ten or so I had already grown myself. I also got some lettuce and greens which comes in handy because my saladboxes seem to have stunted (probably the heat, the saladboxes seem to thrive in typical Dutch weather -- rain and a bit of sun). I'll resow them and see if I get some tasty greens out of them.
I also received some melon-plants. I wonder how to deal with those...