
geekery, drawing and then some

Posts for February 10, 2009

Making space.

before&afterI have this habit of stuffing things in my cabinets and forget about them. Hidden behind the doors I don't see it, so I don't think about it, or so I hope. But it never works like that. So, today I took an hour or so to declutter my two cabinets in the livingroom. I still have one left (my 'computercentre' basically), and feel very good about the progress I made today. The photo shows the before on top and the after at the bottom. I made a few paperwork-stacks that need to migrate to my file-cabinet, a task to big for this evening. I'll take another hour (or two or three) or so later this week to do it.

I put some drawingsupplies in the cabinet on the left (top-right), and consider putting my yarn and crochet things there too. I crochet in the livingroom, not in my hobby/bedroom (aka 'the funroom' ;) )

I tossed out one full garbagebag.