
geekery, drawing and then some

Posts about November

Getting ready for Nanowrimo

This year I decided on a slightly different approach for Nanowrimo. Other years I'd jump in with both feet on November 1st, and this years I decided to do some pre-work (which, in other years, only happened in my head). I've made notes about my characters, a timeline, wrote part of the backstory that will not end up in the actual novel, and I made an outline. I haven't finished it yet, still have 6 parts to go. Once I have 31 parts I can use those to write one part per day (a 1667 words). I like this approach. Somewhere halfway I got a little stuck with how the story should go from a certain point and I let it sink in a few days and then came up with the answer. If this had happened during Nanowrimo I would have lost several days (or at the least, spend them in great frustration).

On to the last 6 parts! [progpress title="Nanowrimo Outline" goal="31" current="25" previous="20" label="parts"]

Another year, another Nanowrimo


November lurks around the corner, so I had to join Nanowrimo again. I decided to try a different approach this year and have slowly outlined my planned novel. Initially I wanted to go for horror, with brutal murders and such (I blame this on watching the entire 'Friday the 13th' series, as well as 'Nightmare on Elmstreet', and ending it with 'Freddy vs Jason'), but my story seems to have converted more into a regular thriller with no supernatural murderer.

Ah well.

And it'll have a dog.