
geekery, drawing and then some

Drawing on the other side


I recently had to quit my RA-meds, again. The side-effects (loss of appetite, moodswings, headache, and extra hairloss) got so bad that I couldn’t take it anymore. My doctor and I discussed it and we decided to take a break from medication and see how that goes.

So far, not as fabulous as I hoped. Pains and swellings have returned, minor ones so far. This did however gave me an incentive to train my other hand some more. I’ve done this off and on the past few years and decided to make a bigger effort now. I have cooked (mostly) with the other hand, even chopping veggies, and I did some sketches for my Inkblobs. They don't look very well but they also don't look too bad. I can't seem to draw circles yet, and my 'straight' lines look like bacon strips.

It'll take a while ;)

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