Het Medaillon van Thrianta by [Mariska Buijs](http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/4603237.Mariska_Buijs.thumbnail.jpg "Het Medaillon van ThriantaHet Medaillon van Thrianta by Mariska Buijs")
My rating: ★★★★★
I can't not like this book. I've waited (patiently) years to read it.
The book tells the story of princess Quahira who dreams of adventures, the kind she reads in books about. When the chance of adventure happens to present itself -- like they do -- she grabs it with both hands and sets off to make the kindgdom of Thrianta whole again. Not a small feat for a girl who has barely left the castle all her life. Luckily she gets help from several friends and together they go save the world! The story has a good dose of romance, humour and other exciting moments.
I have my doubts the people in the metro with me appreciate me giggling, however, I still enjoyed this book thoroughly. :-)