
geekery, drawing and then some

Posts about hats


My hat arrived. I have no idea when my love for hats started, somewhere before my teen-years for sure. I never did really wear them, my head was usually too round to fit them properly. I wore baseball caps, and that was about it. For a very long time I wanted a black top-hat, almost like a magician's but a bit shorter. Too long seemed a bit impractical. For years I'd browse hat-stores every once in a while, and when I got internet I googled them. Up until this week I never found (perhaps I lacked the google-foo) the hat that I wanted. Either they were too high, or too expensive. I wouldn't dare to go out on the street with an expensive hat, so it had to cost a fair amount, not a ridiculous amount.

And this week, I found it. The perfect hat. With a feather. It arrived today and it is awesome. So very awesome. I never want to take it of again.