
geekery, drawing and then some

Posts about drawing (old posts, page 3)

Spent the morning in the hospital, drawing.



Detail of booklet, page 2

I spent the morning in the hospital, getting my iron-IV. My heamoglobin levels have dropped slowly since surgery and my iron supply has fallen well below normal levels. This probably plays some part in my ongoing fatigue and my doctor decided that instead of pills, I'd get two iron IVs. Today I had my first, next week the second.

I expected to have to wait a while and brought my drawing book, and then drew the IV several times.

I've drawn my IVs before, once when I had to get a CT-scan for my lungs (in the beginning of getting ill) and then when I had surgery and they had to give me a new one every two or three days because it kept clogging up.

Washing up brush

Drawing of washing up brush.

This morning I drew my washing up brush. It has a compartment for the liquid and when you press the button on the top, the liquid comes out a bit. I bought a bunch of them when I found them, because I quite like them. They feel nice in my hand and comfortable to use.

Drawing of toy mini.

Earlier I drew my toy mini car. When I grow up I want a real mini. Yes, with these colours!

New paintbox.

I found a new paintbox for my watercolours. My previous one, though not really broken, annoyed me. Every time I would toss it around or hold it sideways or upside down, they pans would fall out and everything got messed up.

With this new one, the pans sit firmly between two metal bits, and I have enough space for two small tubes (black and white) and my (water)pencils.

Change of pace.

I spent the past ten days without my laptop, very interesting. I had my trusty EEE pc and my phone to fall back on, however, mostly just for the basics. My workflow on my macbook did not fit the EEE (for one, I really missed TextExpander)

I mostly rested, having an RA-flare, and did some decluttering (which I intend to continue). I also worked out a small plan to start a new sleeping-schedule. After trying for months to fit back in the 'normal world' I decided to revisit my afternoon naps. Not sure if I feel better, but I like the idea of getting up early, do stuff, then go to have a three or four hour nap in the afternoon and then do things in the evening as well. None of that power-nap stuff, I need solid hours. This way, I hope to spread my energy more evenly and to still participate in the 'normal world'.

I tried it out today, and though I feel sleepy and tired and slightly confused, I did very much enjoy my afternoon nap. I also made a drawing this morning, during my first wake. Always good :)

Flowing along.

Despite frequent hand-issues (just pain, it goes away with rest) I've managed to do quite a lot of drawing in phases. A few minutes on, an hour off, something like that. It worked out pretty well and I feel really good about the results. I've almost finished the four seasons set (always something left to tweak...) and took out bits to create two nice and calm backgrounds:




Float .

I've had this one in my head for a long time. Even started painting it (with real paint, yes). I don't know why, but today I had to do something with it, suddenly.

So I did.

And she floats.

Cover of my drawing book.

Cover of my drawing book.

My precious drawing book, in which I haven't drawn for a while.

I love the little fish on the cover, they don't make it harder to bring the book, I've just not had that drawing mood...

I will pack it for my little trip this week. Must Want to draw.

The drawing habit: day 9.

imgI did do some drawing today, just not the regular kind.

I wanted a handdrawn design on my website for quite some time, and then Michael Nobbs tweeted a site with a whole list of handdrawn designs. This of course meant I should get my act together and do it.

I spent the entire day doodling, and working with my graphic tablet. Soooo tired.

And so very happy with how it turned out!

I think everything works as it should, feel free to comment if it doesn't.

The drawing habit: day 6.

The bowl. For day 6 I drew my late evening food: a reheated portion of Wagamama's stir fried rice in my newly purchased bowl (which turned out exactly the right size, yaay!) I got a bit overly enthusiastic with the grains of rice, and drew them much too small but it looked so cool :D